Freitag, 1. Oktober 2010

Please troll on Sasahara-san

How often did I wish I could simply kick him in the balls? How often did he promise us a big sensation and delivered a big bummer? I remember when i was hoping for Pride (r.i.p.) rules and then uncle Sasa gave me my beloved "cage".

Now that FEG seems do be in deep trouble I think all MA-fans should stand behind it and support our lovely but (a little) retarded children. DREAM may often disappoint us, but let's face the fact that MMA would lose much of its colour if DREAM died.

PS. This was a test post

2 Kommentare:

  1. DANGS! I was also disappointed, we got the cage twice but no rule changes... Except the 3x5mins, which isn't even good!

  2. Dang block ftw!

    I agree with the post homeboy... I expected more from Dream with the announcement, but we only got.... wait for it..... here it comes..... THE CAGE.... :facepalm:

    Still, JMMA wouldn't be the same without Dream I guess... SRC have lost a lot of talent
